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方法5 MP3記憶法:走到哪聽到哪,超神奇一聽就會!




Chapter 1 有關人的字詞:匯整描述人的字詞,從人格特質、身體部位到職業,學會正確描繪他人的用字。

Chapter 2 學校:關於學校上課的用字,也都是我們日常生活的常用字哦!

Chapter 3 家庭:本章教你關於房屋、建築物裡一些器具的說法。

Chapter 4 食物和飲料:各種飲食的英語怎麼說,餐廳點菜要怎麼點,本章為您揭曉答案。

Chapter? 5 不同的地點:要去哪裡,形容東西的位置,必備單字精采呈現。

Chapter? 6 常用動詞:動詞是英語句子的靈魂,熟悉使用頻率最高的動詞,必能讓您聽說讀寫暢行無阻。

Chapter? 7 不可不知的名詞:絕對要知道的名詞有哪些?讀了本章讓您在考試、進修方面大有斬獲。

Chapter 8 重要的形容詞和副詞:要說出漂亮句子、寫出絕佳文章,別忘了學學形容詞和副詞,讓你的英語更加有風味喔!



2. 各類實用單字,瞬間記憶:本書有系統地將單字分門別類,彙整實用度高的必備單字,讓您運用最短時間,迅速累積單字量。

3. 嚴謹編撰,專業錄音:由專業外籍錄音名師精心錄製而成的學習MP3,發音純正標準,讓您搭配本書使用,學習正確發音、自然語調,聽力同步提升。

4. 句型會話,流利運用:運用例句及會話方式呈現每個單字的用法,準確掌握單字意思,流暢應用於寫文章、對話中。





2018-01-04 03:00

CHINESE FUNDING? Prosecutors say they have evidence that Lin received a monthly payment that matches the amount Zhou indicated in his Fire News report from 2015By Jason Pan / Staff reporterThe Ministry of National Defense (MND) yesterday confirmed that four active duty personnel and two retired officers are under investigation in connection with a case involving allegations that New Party spokesman Wang Ping-chung (王炳忠) tried to develop media and espionage networks with financial backing from the Chinese government.“There are four people on active duty and two retired officers who have been summoned for the investigation and were questioned as witnesses. As of now, there is no indication of their involvement in the case,” spokesman Major General Chen Chung-chi (陳中吉) said in response to questions during a regular news conference at the ministry.From his understanding, the four men on active duty had “liked” posts by Wang on Facebook and other social media platforms, he said.Since the case is under judicial investigation, Chen said he could not divulge the ranks of those who were questioned, and he also declined to reveal their assigned units.All military personnel are schooled on safeguarding national security, espionage activities by China and how Chinese spies conduct their work, he said.“Additional courses are also given to officers who are nearing retirement,” Chen said. “We provide examples from previous spy cases to show how Chinese operatives enticed former officers, including offering money, beautiful women for sex, business opportunities, helping to alleviate financial problems and even blackmail and threats.”According to the investigation by the Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office, China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) allegedly promised to pay Wang NT$15 million (US$506,757) per year to operate the Web site Fire News (燎原新聞網), which he launched in 2014 with its registered address at the New Party’s Taipei headquarters.Prosecutors said Chinese national Zhou Hongxu (周泓旭), who was on Sept. 15 last year convicted on espionage charges, acted as a consultant to promote the Web site.The two men allegedly organized seminars and group events to recruit Taiwanese for Chinese government networks and to pass on sensitive materials, the prosecutors’ office said.Wang was arrested and questioned last month in connection with Zhou’s espionage case along with fellow New Party Youth Corps members Hou Han-ting (侯漢廷), Lin Ming-cheng (林明正) and Chen Ssu-chun (陳斯俊).According to investigators, Zhou was instructed by the TAO to recruit current and retired military personnel through Wang as part of an operation codenamed “Star Fire T Project” (星火T計劃), which offered financial rewards depending on the value and level of the contacts.Prosecutors said that Hou and Lin provided personal information on the six men for Zhou to use in recruitment efforts, while Wang and Chen had reportedly encouraged young people to sign up for military schools with the aim that they might become spies or moles and perhaps even rise to become high-ranking officers.In related news, Taipei prosecutors yesterday confirmed that members of the public have filed legal complaints against Wang and two other New Party members for allegedly violating the National Security Act (國家安全法), and that a separate investigation against them has been launched.It was also reported that prosecutors are investigating the source and channels of distribution of the alleged TAO funding for Fire News and additional activities, along with the allegation that Wang’s father had received US$20,000 in cash from the TAO, but “lost it.”Investigators reportedly have evidence that Lin received monthly bank deposits of NT$25,000, which matched the amount listed by Zhou in his Fire News 2015 Year-end Working Report, and that information from files in Zhou’s computer had been corroborated by files found in possession of the four arrested New Party members.Prosecutors said the material pointed to the men’s close cooperation in developing networks funded by China, which would contravene the National Security Act.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES




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